Evaluasi Keamanan Lingkungan bagi Lansia yang Tinggal di Panti Wredha Salib Putih Salatiga

Harvian Charisma Bangngu


Folk Home is institute that provides social services for the elderly, that provides place for live, food and drinks, clothing, health care, recreation, social, religious and mental guidance, so they can enjoy their old days with filled with peace of mind. one of the things that concern of elderly well-being is related to their environmental safety. This means that safety not only prevent pain or injury but also help individuals in activities, reduce stress and improve health. Evaluation is judgment or estimating. Evaluation also can be interpreted as a structured process in examining, determining, making decisions or provides information on programs that had done or achieved. The research purposed was evaluate the environmental safety for the elderly at Salib Putih Folk Home Salatiga. The research method used qualitative with a descriptive approach. Research participant had taken with purposive sampling technique. Data completion technique in this research with of in-depth interview. The results of this research there are several finding that can be used as evaluation material related to environmental security facilities at Salib Putih Folk Home Salatiga to protected the elderly. Several finding not required with the standard are: Handrails, Stairs, Beds, Lighting, Walking aids and Floors. To prevent the bad risks that would happen, suggest the Folk Home nursing staff to give more attention and increased the facilities not required with the standard.


elderly; environmental safety; Folk Home

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