Riza Oktariana


The development of physical motorism in one of the five aspects of early childhood development, to achieve motoric development especially gross motoric is done through play.
Play activities can stimulate children's physical motor development, and become one of the other factors that play an important role in children's psychological improvement, namely interpersonal intelligence. Based on this background, the researchers chose the title "The Effect of Bakiak Game and Interpersonal Intelligence on the Motoric Physical Development
of Khairani Kindergarten Children in Aceh Besar. The formulation of the problem in this study: Is there clogging of clogs playing on children's physical motor development. Is there an influence of interpersonal intelligence on children's physical motor development, and Is there interaction between clogs and interpersonal intelligence on children's physical motor development. The objectives of the study were: To determine the effect of clogging on children's motoric physical, To determine the effect of interpersonal intelligence on children's physical motor development, To find out the interaction of clogs and interpersonal
intelligence on children's physical motor development. The research location was conducted at Khairani Aceh Besar Kindergarten, having its address at Lubok Batee Village, Ingin Jaya Subdistrict, Aceh Besar Regency, the study was conducted on October 15 to December 15
2018. The research subjects were group B children of 30, consisting of B1 (15 people) and B2 (15 people). This research was carried out using the experimental method and the research design was treatment design by level 2 x 2. The instrument of this study used clogged game tests, observation sheets of interpersonal intelligence and tests of motoric
physical development. Research procedures are data pretest, treatment, posttest, data processing, data analysis and conclusions. Meet the standards of instrument validity and reliability. Data analysis techniques use descriptive data which includes the Mean, Median, Mode, frequency distribution table and histogram. Testing the analysis prerequisites, namely data on normality and homogeneity. From the results of the analysis of the data obtained this study shows that there is the influence of clog playing and interpersonal intelligence on the physical motor development of Khairani Aceh Besar Kindergarten children.

Keywords: Bakiak Game, Interpersonal Intelligence, Motoric Physical Development

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