Hubungan Antara Kedisiplinan Siswa Terhadap Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas X SMA Negeri 15 Semarang

Fina Elviana, Iswahyudi Joko


Discipline is a life skill that is very important and needs to be owned by everyone in order to achieve success in life. Schools as a place for teaching and learning activities to take place in school occur learning processes including discipline and responsibility. At present the learning of mathematics is still a frightening specter for students so that many students are reluctant to obey the rules during the learning process. The purpose of the study is to describe  the relationship between student discipline and student mathematics learning outcomes. this
type of research is descriptive research that uses quantitative data. Data collection method used is questionnaire or questionnaire. the results of research conducted by researchers can be concluded that the discipline of students is good based on the average questionnaire that is 3.34
which is included in intelligence 3,4 - 2,6. Student learning outcomes were sufficient and some achieved KKM based on an average of 52.19. Based on the results of the calculation of the relationship between students' discipline towards students' mathematics learning outcomes is
2.8% of the results can be concluded that students' discipline affects student learning outcomes. based on these results the relationship between students 'discipline with students' mathematics learning outcomes is good. The suggestion of research that has been done is to improve discipline for each student in order to achieve successful discipline in the learning process so as to produce higher learning outcomes.
Keywords: learning outcomes, student discipline

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