The Level of Anxiety of the Students of Dental Professional Program When Facing Patients During the COVID-19 Pandemic at Dental Hospital (RSGM) UNIMUS

Noor Dyah Permata Sari, Mohammad Fatkhul Mubin, Nur Khamilatusy Sholekhah


Background: Health workers, including dentists, experience anxiety caused by discomfort when wearing personal protective equipment, lack of understanding of the long-term spread of Covid-19 in individuals who have been exposed, and fear of exposure to the SARS-CoV-2 virus so that it is
at risk of transmitting it to family and people around them. Aim: Aim to determine the picture of students' anxiety levels in the dental profession program when facing patients during the Covid-19 pandemic at UNIMUS HOSPITAL. Methods: The research was quantitative with a descriptive
research design and used survey techniques. The population of this study was all students of the dental profession study program at UNIMUS HOSPITAL, totaling 96 people. The technique used in determining the sample in this study was the total sampling technique. The variable in this study was anxiety—data collection instruments through questionnaires. In the study, data analysis using univariate analysis techniques. Results: The students of the professional dentist program obtained anxiety levels, namely normal or not experiencing anxiety, as many as 91 people (94.8%), while mild distress was three people (3.1%), and moderate anxiety was two people (2.1%). Conclusion: The results showed that the level of anxiety in the students of the dental profession program is average mainly or do not experience anxiety because they have been able to adapt and the severity of the Covid-19 pandemic has decreased and made health protocol efforts.

Keywords: Anxiety Level, Professional Student, Dentist, Covid-19

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