Religious High School Student

Athiyah Hafizhah, Heni Nopianti, Ika Pasca Himawati


This study was carried out in order to find out the difference in the level of religiousness of
students of Islamic Integrated High School of Iqra’ with State High School 08 Kota Bengkulu.
With respoden characteristics are school (X1) gender (X2), and major (X3). with the level of
religiousness (Y) students of class XI Islamic Integrated High School Iqra’ and students of grade
XI State High School 08. This study uses the basis of the theory of social behavioral paradigm,
namely the behaviorism theory by B.F. Skinner. According to this theory, learning is a change in
behaviour as a result of the existence of experiences and exercises in the relationship of stimuli
and responses. The theory emphasizes the relationship between environmental behaviour and
individual behavior. This is in line with the results of research where the level of religiousness of
high school students is influenced by external factors, namely the environment, one such
environment is from the school or educational institution where they are seeking science. This
research uses a quantitative approach. Data collection is done using the questionnaire method.
Questionnaire is distributed to respondents face-to-face. The respondents in this study were 82
people using purposive sampling. Sampling is done randomly in the population considered to
be representative. The research data was processed using the statistical T test and obtained the
result that there was a difference in the level of religuistas based on the background of
educational institutions (0,00 < 0,05) and based on gender (0,002 < 0,05) from the Integrated
Islamic High School of Iqra’ and the State High School 08 of Bengkulu City, but there was no
difference in religionuistas according to the majority (0,744 > 0,05).

Keywords : Religious, Senior High School, Religious Indicator

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