Effect of Supplementary Feeding on Stunting Toddler Weight : A Literature Review

Ariyani Lutfitasari, Alya Aulia Rahmayani


Stunting is still a significant nutritional problem worldwide. To address this problem, various
efforts have been made, including investment in child nutrition as a strategy to achieve the SDGs
by 2030. One of the efforts made by the government is to provide additional food to stunting
children, who are then monitored intensively to monitor weight and height development. The
purpose of this literature review was to determine the effect of supplementary feeding on the
body weight of stunted toddlers,i either through the provision of additional protein or diet. The
method used is a literature review with Dimension Ai. A total of 4,939 articles were obtained
with keywords related to the effect of supplementary feeding on stunted toddlers ibody weight
such as protein needs, stunting, and its effects. Systematic reviews relevant to research questions
were collected using Mendeley version 1.19.8. A total of 9 articles qualified for analysis. The
results showed that supplementary feeding by providing adequate nutrition to stunted toddlers
can reduce stunting. Nutritional adequacy can be achieved with the addition of sufficient protein
and a good diet. However, the results of previous studies have shown that the interventions
provided can have an increased impact on body weight, but some have no impact at all.
Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the growth and development of stunted toddlers and
external factors so that the weight of stunted toddlers does not change after the intervention.
Strict supervision related to the growth and development of toddlers can ensure the effectiveness
of feeding health workers in steps to solve stunting problems.
Keywords: Stunting, Weight, Diet, Protein

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