Relaksasi dan Terapi Musik terhadap Tekanan Darah pada Hipertensi Lansia di Unit Rehabilitasi Sosial Pucang Gading Semarang

Istiqomah Istiqomah


Hypertension or high blood pressure is a major problem that is often experienced by the elderly. Causes of hypertension among others: heredity, age, sex, and life habits such as excessive salt consumption, obesity, lack of exercise, the sters. Penangananya can do with pharmacological and non pharmacological one i.e. by using relaxation and music therapy. Relaxation therapy in long term tujuanya is so that individuals can monitor him continually against indications of tension, as well as to provide and release tension in the sharing of member body (Potter & Perry, 2009) And music therapy is to help improve cognitive function, psychological, physical, and social behavior that is able as a disease treatment treatment is therapeutic. And can form the context of verbal communication and non-verbal communication that is easy to understand (Veskarisyati, 2008).To analyze the effect of music therapy and relaxation against the blood pressure in hypertensive elderly Social Rehabilitation Unit in Pucang Gading Semarang. This type of research design is either pre and post with control. The population in this study i.e. elderly hypertension in Social Rehabilitation Unit in Pucang Gading Semarang. The sample of this research as much as 21 respondents are divided into 3 groups, the Group given relaxation intervention and pertema and music therapy for 15 minutes, the second group given relaxation and therapeutic music intervention for 30 minutes and the Group the third control that is given without intervention. Purposive random sampling techniques. Data analysis with either test Kruskal Wallis Test. Results of the study indicate that there is a difference between the before and after groups given the intervention while in the control group there was no change. There is a relaxation and influence of music therapy on blood pressure of hypertension elderly Social Rehabilitation Unit in Pucang Gading Semarang with value value of 0.001 p (α < 0.05). Expected nurses can apply the act of relaxation and music therapy as an alternative treatment for non pharmacological to lower hypertension. As a conclusion, there is a relaxation and influence of music therapy on blood pressure of hypertension elderly Social Rehabilitation Unit in Pucang Gading Semarang with value value of 0.001 p (α < 0.05).


relaxation; music therapy; elderly; hypertension

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