Pengaruh Meditasi Dan Relaksasi Pasif Terhadap Tekanan Darah Pada Lansia Hipertensi Di Panti Unit Rehabilitasi Sosial Pucang Gading Semarang

Presti Indah Lutfiati


Hypertension is an increase in blood pressure over 140 mmHg systolic and 90 mmHg diastolic. Elderly health problem in Indonesia in 2013 put hypertension as a degenerative disease that has the highest prevalence among other diseases with elderly patients. One of complementary therapies for the treatment of hypertension is passive meditation and relaxation therapy. This study aimed to investigate the effect of passive meditation and relaxation of hypertension at the the elderly Social Rehabilitation Unit at Pucang Gading Semarang. This type of research is experimental with draft pre-post with control. The number of respondents are taken randomly through simple random sampling and obtained 27 respondents and respondents were divided into two treatment groups and one control group with the number of respondents each group is 9 respondents. Data were analyzed using test Kruskal-Wallis with value p-value < 0.05. The results showed that there is the effect of passive meditation and relaxation therapy of hypertension in the elderly Social Rehabilitation Unit at Pucang Gading Semarang. with value p-value Δ systolic 0.001 and the value p-value diastolic 0,000. With the pre-treatment value of the 165.67 / 94.33 mmHg and the value after the 144.67 / 86.00 mmHg, pre-treatment value 2 158.89 / 90.22 mmHg and the value after the 150.04 / 85.00 mmHg. The conclusion drawn is that there is the effect of passive meditation and relaxation of hypertension in the elderly Social Rehabilitation Unit at Pucang Gading Semarang.


hypertension of geriatric; meditation; relaxation passive

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