Gambaran Kualitas Sediaan Jaringan Hati Menggunakan Larutan Fiksatif NBF 10% dan alkohol 70% pada pewarnaan HE (Hematoksilin-Eosin)

Syarifah Nur Fajrina, Tulus Ariyadi, Fitri Nuroini


The use of fixative solutions in tissue is to maintain tissue morphology such as when living tissue conditions without any changes shape or size. NBF 10% is a routine fixative solutions and general used as a fixative solutions in the preparation of tissue microscope prepared slide. Alcohol 70% is one of fixative solutions that have fast penetration potency and easy to get. The purpose of this research is to know the quality of liver tissue microscope prepared slide that have been fixed with NBF 10% and Alcohol 70% this research is descriptive with Cross Sectional design. Liver organ samples were obtained from 15 mice (Mus Musculus) then trough tissue processing was made into 30 microscope prepared slides with HE staining. The quality of the microscope prepared slides was observed and assessment of 1 score withless result and 2 for the preparation of better result.The result research showed that the microscope prepared slides of liver tissue with NBF 10% fixation was better 90% and the less result 10% of the microscope prepared slides fixed by using the Alcohol 70% obtained the less result 90% and the better result 10%. Based on the results of quality research of liver tissue microscpe prepared slides fixed using NBF 10% is better than the use of Alcohol 70% fixative solutions for the fixation process.


fixation; fixative solutions NBF 10%; fixative solutions Alcohol 70%; liver tissue preparations

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