HubunganKonsumsi Bahan Makanan Sumber Isoflavon Dan Serat Dengan Keluhan Menopause Pada Wanita Menopause Di Kelurahan Kedungmundu Kecamatan Tembalang Kota Semarang
Menopause merupakan kondisi dimana menstruasi berhenti secara permanen karena berkurangnya produksi hormon estrogen dan progesteron sehingga menimbulkan keluhan yang disebut sindroma menopause. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan konsumsi bahan makanan sumber isoflavon dan serat dengan keluhan menopause pada wanita menopause. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian explanatory research. Teknik sampling yang digunakan yaitu purposive sampling 48 orang wanita menopause berusia 45-59 tahun yang sudah berhenti haid secara permanen minimal 1 tahun.Data keluhan menopause dikumpulkan menggunakan instrumenmenopause rating scale, konsumsi bahan makanan sumber isoflavon dan serat diperoleh dengan instrumenrecall 24 jam dan FFQ. Uji hipotesis dianalisis menggunakan Korelasi Rank Spearmantest. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwakonsumsi bahan makanan sumber isoflavon rata-rata 66.3±29.2 mg per orang per hari, makanan yang sering dikonsumsi adalah tempe, tahu, buncis, kacang panjang. Konsumsi bahan makanan sumber serat rata-rata 9,77±4,94gram per orang per hari, makanan yang sering dikonsumsi yaitu kool, bayam, labu siam, buncis. Sebagian besar wanita menopause mengalami keluhan ringan (60,4%). Terdapat hubungan antara konsumsi bahan makan sumber isoflavon dengan keluhan menopause (p = 0.000). Tidak ada hubungan antara konsumsi bahan makanan sumber serat dengan keluhan menopause(p = 0.076).
Kata kunci: Menopause, Isoflavon, Serat
Menopause is a condition where menstruation stops permanently due to reduced production of the hormones estrogen and progesterone, causing menopausal complaints called menopausal syndrome. This study aims to determine the relationship of consumption of food ingredients sources of isoflavones and fiber with menopausal complaints in menopausal women. This research is an explanatory research. The sampling technique was purposive sampling technique with a population of 84 postmenopausal women there were 48 people who met the inclusion criteria, namely premenopausal women 45-59 years old and had stopped menstruating permanently at least 1 year. This study was conducted in April 2018. Data on menopause increased from the menopause rating scale scale, consumption of isoflavone foods and fiber obtained from a 24-hour recall interview and FFQ. Normality test using the Kolmogorv Smirnov test, the data is not normally distributed isoflavones (p=0.005), fiber (p=0.001), menopausal complaints (p=0.000) then the relationship test uses rank spearman safety test. The results of this study are the consumption of food sources of isoflavones averaging 66.32 mg per day, frequently consumed foods such as tempeh, tofu, beans, long beans. Consumption of food sources fiber sources an average of 9.77 grams per day, foods that are often consumed such as kool, spinach, chayote, beans. Postmenopausal women experience mild complaints of 29 people (60.4%). There is a relationship between consumption of food ingredients isoflavone sources with menopausal complaints (p = 0.000). There was no correlation between consumption of fiber-based food ingredients and menopausal complaints (p = 0.076).
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