Kekuatan Transversa Termoplastik Nilon Pasca Perendaman Teh, Kopi, dan Minuman Isotonik

Ishana Raisa Hafid, Sudibyo Sudibyo, Etny Dyah Harniati


Background : Nylon thermoplastic began to be used widely as a denture base because has a flexibility that makes the denture felt more comfort. One of the weaknesses that need to be considered in using of denture was the vulnerability of the denture strength on acidic drinks. Acidic drinks that
produced in Indonesia are tea, coffee, and isotonic drinks with a pH of 4-5 which can cause the structural change and the physical properties of nylon thermoplastic. The purpose of this study was for knowing the transversa strength of nylon thermoplastic plate after soaking tea, coffee and isotonic
drink. Method : Laboratory experimental research with research design of post-test group control design only. The size of nylon thermoplastic plate were 65 mm x 10 mm x 2.5 mm with 3 groups of soaking treated during 5 days on tea, coffee and isotonic drink solvent, and 1 aquades control group with 6 samples each group. The transversa strength of nylon thermoplastic plate was tested with Universal Testing Machine. Result : The test result data was analyzed by Shapiro-Wilk for normality test and One Way Anova test for knowing the comparative transversa strength of thermoplastic nylon with p value <0,05. The result of One Way Anova test obtained that there is decrease of the transverse strength of nylon thermoplastic plate after soaking in tea, coffee, isotonic drinks compared with aquadest. Conclusion : There was decreased in the transverse strength of the nylon thermoplastic plate after soaking in tea, coffee, and isotonic drinks.


nylon thermoplastic; tea; coffee; isotonic drinks; transverse strength

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