Hubungan Kadar Glukosa Darah dengan HbA1c pada Ulkus Diabetikum

Risa Tri Umami, Herlisa Anggraini, Fitri Nuroini


Diabetic ulcers is an abnormalty in the lower foot caused by uncontrolled diabetes mellitus. Abnormality is caused by a nerve disorders in foot, vascular disorders and infection. Prevention from expansion of infection caused by diabetic ulcers do checking of the patient’s systemic condition which aim to control the blood dan HbA1c levels. The relation of blood glucose and HbA1c are indicated by an increase in the supply of glucose in blood vessels caused insulin deficiency or insulin resistance. Insulin can’t enter the glucose into the cell for metabolism. The increased glukose in the blood will make the glication process of HbA (Adult Hemoglobin) so will make the bond between hemoglobin and blood glucose, is called HbA1c. This study was aim to measure the blood and HbA1c, then to analyze the relation between blood glucose and HbA1c levels in diabetic ulcers. The type of this study is analytical survey with cross sectional approach. Samples are obtained by taking data patients test who meets the inclusion and exclusion criteria of 28 sampels. The result showed that the mean of fasting blood glocose levels is 188,68 mg/dL and the mean of HbAc levels is 8,164%. Tes the normality of data using Smirnov test and continued Person Corelation test obtained value of signifance 0.000, which showed that there is relation between blood glucose and HbA1c levels in diabetic ulcers.


diabetic ulcers; blood glucose levels; HbA1c levels

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