The Relationship Of The Use Of Learning Sources And Learning Styles To Learning Achievement In Graduate Stage Students

Febbika Dwi Agung Hermawan, Andra Novitasari, Romadhoni Romadhoni


Background: Learning achievement is an important achievement, influenced by external and
internal factors. One of the external factors that influence is learning resources. Learning resources
should provide reliable information so that it can be used as a reference in taking an action. If learning
resources are not managed properly, it will provide information that cannot be trusted and has low
accuracy. Internal factors that influence learning achievement are learning styles, because by
knowing their learning styles, they will adapt to the learning process so that it is fast and easy to
absorb information or lessons. This study aims to analyze the relationship between the use of learning
resources and learning styles on student achievement in the Faculty of Medicine, Unimus. Method:
The research design was analytical observational with a cross sectional approach. The research
sample was FK UNIMUS students batch 2019 which was taken through the total sampling technique.
The data used are cognitive values, learning resources and learning styles. The instrument used is a
questionnaire of learning resources and VARK. Hypothesis test using chi square test. Results: From
140 respondents, 31.4% used learning videos as the most dominant learning resource. The most
widely owned learning style by students is kinesthetic by 52.1%. Analysis result bivariate value
obtained significant value between the use of learning resources with learning achievement (p=
0.039) and learning style on learning achievement (p = 0.000). Conclusion: There is a relationship
between the use of learning resources and learning styles on student achievement of FK Unimus.

Keywords: Learning resources, learning styles, learning achievement

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