Analysis of Differences in Indonesian Case Base Groups (INACBGs) rates and Inpatient-Outpatient Real Costs of Ischemic Stroke Patients at Panti Rapih Hospital Yogyakarta

Wijayanti Fuad, - Muslimah, Lira Wiet Jayanti, Zenia Meyra Maharani


Background: National health insurance reported that treatment for stroke cost about Rp 1.27 trillion in 2018, which increased by 10.4% compared to 2015 (with Rp 1.15 trillion). In 2016, WHO (World Health Organization) reported that stroke ranks 3rd, after heart disease and cancer. Purpose: This study aimed to analyze the differences between INACBG’s rates and the real costs of inpatientoutpatient care for ischemic stroke patients
at Panti Rapih Hospital, Yogyakarta. Methods: This study was a cross-sectional study using a descriptive comparative approach. This study
was conducted over 1-year starting from January 1 to December 31, 2021.
Data were collected through medical records, financial data, and pharmacological data. Data were analyzed using a One-sample t-test to compare the real total costs and the total INA-CBG’s rates for inpatient and outpatient care. Result: The characteristics of the subjects showed that most of the patients were men (69.7%), aged > 70 years (40.4%), comorbid with > 1 comorbid (71.7%), length of stay 5 – 10 days (70.7%), and class I treatment class (43.4%). The results showed that the characteristics of the outpatients did not show a significant relationship to direct medical costs (p > 0.05). Patient's age, length of stay, and class
treatment of care showed a significant relationship to the direct medical costs of hospitalization (p < 0.05). Furthermore, the INA-CBG’s rates for outpatient care were shown to be lower than the average real costs. Conclusion: his showed that this hospital's real cost of outpatient treatment was less than the INA-CBG's rates. Otherwise, the INA-CBG's rates for inpatient care were higher than the average real cost. This shows that the real cost of hospitalization was sufficient to pay for patient care except for stroke hospitalization in mild cases.

Keywords: INACBG's, real costs, ischemic stroke, national health insurance

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