Modelling with Photogrammetry on Denture Prototyping Using Digital Light Processes (DLP) 3D Printer and Its Strength Analysis

Dini Cahyandari, Slamet Saefudin, Dina Mariani, Dika Agung Bachtiar, Dwi Mulyanto, Ahmad Masyrukhan, Heru Prasetiyo, Isfak Mustafa


Along with the development of the times until now technological advances are developing very
rapidly, with the passage of time and the development of human thinking patterns. This also has an
impact on the world of health which requires the latest and sophisticated medical equipment and
devices as well as ease and efficiency in its use, several agencies and health/medical schools that
need and utilize this mandibular structure prototype tool, including for world teaching aids. medicine
explains about function tests and the components in the human lower jaw. This prototype form
allows the material to have a minimum weight with very large strength and high power, but has a
low production power, it is widely used for aircraft structures, building construction, shipping,
automotive to minimize the amount of material used. In this design, the prototype model of the
human mandibular denture is simulated. The results of the analysis on the mandibular denture using
Ansys student software, namely the results of this meshing itself have 26445 nodes and 5525
elements with an element size of 2.5 mm, from the stress simulation, the reddest part of the
mandibular denture is the support rod is slightly down because it receives enormous pressure. With
a maximum value of 14.692 MPa in the blue part, that is, it does not affect the change in shape
which is determined with a minimum value of 0.0020833 MPa from the simulation results.

Keywords: Photogrammetry, Ansys Student, Simulation of Human Lower Jaw Dentures

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