“Look in The Mirror and Love Yourself!” : A Method of Increasing Self-Love in Beauty Filter Users

Ana Fitri Aulia, Anisa Oktafiani, Atika Nadya Husna, Arikah Chusna, Retno Setyaningsih


The rise of beauty filters on social media can potentially have negative consequences for its users [1], especially for those who begin to experience a decrease in self love. The problem of self love in beauty filter users is a serious problem that needs to be addressed. In previous research, to increase the self-love is practiced by using the mirror talk method [2]. The researcher modified the mirror talk method while listening to the song "Tutur Batin" by Yura Yunita. The researcher
chose to combine the mirror talk method with listening to and appreciating songs because through songs or music moral and social messages will feel lighter to accept. The song "Tutur Batin" was chosen because it has a theme of self-acceptance, and has become one of the movements to promote the importance of self-love [3]. This research used mixed methods, which is a combination method between qualitative approaches and quantitative approaches that are used together in a study. The quantitative approach used in this research is an experimental
method with a one-group pretest-posttest design. [4]. While in the qualitative approach, the methods used are observation and interview methods. The analysis of quantitative data uses the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Tail Test. From the results of quantitative analysis, it shows that there is no significant difference in the level of self-love of the participants between before and after the intervention. However, based on the results of qualitative analysis, it shows that the intervention is effective for increasing self-love.

Keywords: Beauty Filter, Self Love, Mirror Talk, Tutur Batin

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