Developing A Women's Empowerment Model to Establish A Sustainable Agroforestry System for Managing the Conservation and Edutourism Area in Batu City, East Java

Yayuk Yuliati, Medea Rahmadhani Utomo, Vi’in Ayu Pertiwi, Pravasta Wahyu, Iin Ningtias


The natural resource potential of Batu City is quite high. However, the rate of degradation of
agricultural land and forest land is also quite high. The cause of land degradation is the
conversion of agricultural land or forests to be used for tourism activities. The Batu City
Government is trying to create educational potential for the community, especially women, for
their livelihood activities, in the form of a Conservation and Education Model Area (AMKE).
Therefore, the output of this research is the formulation of a model for women's empowerment
in realizing a sustainable agroforestry system in conservation and educational tourism areas. The
objectives of this research are 1. Analyze the role and participation of women in managing
conservation and edutourism areas, 2. Analyze the role of stakeholders in managing conservation
and edutourism areas, 3. Describe the role of village institutions in managing conservation and
edutourism areas, and 4. Formulate a model of women's empowerment in realizing a sustainable
agroforestry system. This research uses a Four-d Model approach , namely: define, design, develop,
and disseminate . Data collection was carried out in various ways, namely: semi-structured
interviews, FGD, and observation. Then the data collected was analyzed using gender analysis
techniques and qualitative descriptive analysis. The women's empowerment model in the
Educational Tourism Program starts from input on conditions in the field, the process of
increasing human resources in developing AMKE, and producing output in the form of
improving community welfare. SWOT analysis starts from strengths, namely the high
participation of women and the high availability of human resources. Meanwhile, the weakness
is the lack of assistance from internal institutions. The opportunity is for collaboration with
educational institutions to transfer knowledge in the development of AMKE. The threat is the
tight competition for tourism in Batu City, and the lack of implementation of women's
empowerment, as well as the minimal contribution of internal and external institutions in
developing AMKE.

Keywords: Women's empowerment, Agroforestry, Gender, Tourism

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