Pemanfaatan Buah Merah (Pandanus conoideus) sebagai Bahan Baku dalam Pembuatan Saus dan Potensinya sebagai Bahan Tambahan Pangan

Gloria Stefani Mozes


Red fruit (Pandanus conoideus) is one type of functional food source that has been proven to be traditionally safe for consumption by the Papuan people. The active compounds in red fruit include carotenoids, tocopherols, oleic acid, linoleic acid, decanoate, protein, vitamin B and vitamin C. The high nutrient content in red fruits has the potential to be used as food additives. The research aims to produce sauce from red fruit (Pandanus conoideus) and see its potential to be applied into making fried rice in order to increase people's acceptance to consume red fruits that are rich in nutrients and efficacious to cure various diseases. This study was divided into 3 stages: red fruit sauce production, application of red fruit sauce on fried rice, and sensory test. From the organoleptic test carried out on fried rice products, the results of fried rice with red fruit sauce were in the position of 7.18 and control fried rice was in position 6.97. Both samples with the addition of different sauces are in the 6 - 8 category which means they are included in the likes category.


Pandanus conoideus; red fruit; fried rice; sauce

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