The Effectiveness of Jigsaw and Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) Models in Teaching Reading of Narrative Text to the Students at SMA Negeri 9 Semarang

Indar Ningtyas, Muhimatul Ifadah, Siti Aimah


This research was conducted to determine the effectiveness of using jigsaw and cooperative integrated reading and composition (CIRC) model in teaching reading narrative text to students X grade of SMA Negeri 9
Semarang. This research used experimental design. The instruments for collecting the data were pre-test, posttest, questionnaire, and interview.
The participants of this study were the X-MIPA.3 as the experimental class
and X-MIPA.2 as the control class. The data were analyzed by using t-test statistic in the SPSS program. This experiment research implemented jigsaw and cooperative integrated reading and composition model in class.
The result of this research showed that teaching by using jigsaw and cooperative integrated reading and composition (CIRC) was effective in teaching reading narrative text. The students’ reading comprehension of
narrative text was improved. The mean value of the pre-test in experimental class was 75.25 and the mean value post-test was 83.94. Meanwhile, the mean value of the pre-test in the control class was 73.60 while the post-test was 82.69. The result of an independent sample test, the Sig. (2-tailed) was 0.447 < ½ α 0.05, it rejected H0. It can also be concluded that both of the models gave the impact and influenced the reading test score. The impact for the students such as responsibility, motivation, and confidence. It was also can be proved from the result of
questionnaire in which 63.80% was in control class, and 58% was in experimental class. Surely, cooperative integrated reading and composition and jigsaw help the students to explore the activity in sharing and discussing. Further, it also help them to improve their confidence. Through, both of models believed to help students understand the material in more positive way.

Keyword : Jigsaw, Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC), reading, narrative text

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